1. When does the class meet? The art and music class meets every other Saturday from 9:30 to 10:30 at our Shaker Heights location.
2. Does my toddler attend alone? The curriculum is designed to enrich the developmental experience of toddlerhood for the caregiver and the child. Therefore it is necessary that caregivers attend with their child and are actively engaged in all of the classroom activities. Separation will be practiced in bearable bits as the child begins preparation for transition into preschool. Families with multiple children at home will be accommodated on a case by case basis.
3. What types of activities are involved? The program uses a wide variety of activities of interest to toddlers. We believe every activity is important. All transitions and even preparation to go home are teachable moments and help toddlers build their independence.
Sample Schedule: Greeting children and caregivers and hanging belongings in their assigned cubby identified by name and special color to prepare for the start of the day. •Free play time – small muscle activities •Special Project – art •Preparation for Transition/clean up •Hand washing •Snack time •Preparation for transition/clean up •Story time/ music •Transition •Clean up and preparation to go home
4. What will my child learn? The love of learning and accomplishment is built on early childhood foundations. Children in the program gain mastery of the skills needed to enter preschool with confidence, curiosity and independence that allows them to focus on educational activities.
5. How do I register? Each new family meets with the Ms. Eddie and Dr. Bell for a full explanation of the program. Registration forms are filled out aand children come to visit the classroom. Caregivers will meet with Ms. Eddie or Dr. Bell twice during the program to review toddler progress.
6. Can other family members visit? Close and familiar family members may visit when it is appropriate for the child. These visits are planned well in advance and all participating toddlers are prepared for ahead of time for the visitors to be in the room.